Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a helicopter tour cost?

Our tours start at $229 per person. See our Helicopter Tours page to explore the different options.

How many people can fly at once?

Our helicopter can hold up to four passengers as long as the combined weight of the group does not exceed 600 lbs.

Is there an age limit for our helicopter tours?

We can fly people of any age. Children under the age of two are able to sit on their parent/legal guardian's lap. Anyone over the age of two will need to be in their own seat. If you plan on bringing a younger child, please let us know so that we can have the correct hearing protection on hand for them. Any children under two fly at no cost. Maximum group weight cannot exceed 600 lbs.

Is there a weight limit for our helicopter tours?

There is no minimum weight limit. The only limit that we have for weight is the total weight of all passengers. The total weight limit for all passengers is 600 lbs.

What type of helicopter do we fly?

We fly the Bell Jetranger 206 B3. This model of helicopter has one of the highest safety ratings in the aerospace industry.

Will I get motion sickness on a helicopter flight?

Though most of our passengers do not get motion sick during the flights, it can happen. If you experience motion sickness during the flight, our pilots have techniques that will help you to feel better, and if they do not work we have emergency motion sickness bags available. If you are prone to motion sickness, we recommend taking steps before the flight to help prevent it such as taking motion sickness medication.

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